Hi, I’m Dinah.

I’m Singaporean and I’ve over a decade of experience in the banking industry and the privilege of working with wealthy clients, assisting them to prepare their companies to be listed on the stock exchange, raising funds and advising them on their investment portfolios.

While working with these wealthy clients, I discovered that how they made decisions, created wealth and be successful were influenced very much by their money mindset. That intrigued me.

You see, when I was young, my family lived paycheck to paycheck and my parents had a different money mindset compared with the wealthy clients. 

What I observed is that being wealthy and happy is not about the digits you have in the bank but rather having an abundance mindset. 

Trust me, there are people who are rich and still are miserable. 

After studying the wealthy clients for over two decades and  I noticed that: 

Their habits are different.

Their choices are different.

Their options are different

Their experiences are very different.

I also learnt that your past is past. Where you are today is a cumulative result of your past habits and decisions. 

However, the decisions you make today will determine your life in 3-5 years time. So, how would you like your future to look?  

As a finance mindset coach, I want to help you understand your current financial situation, visualise your dreams and put in the action to reach your financial goals. 

Starting to invest is the easiest part…


Sorting the mental clutter related to money beliefs, scarcity and fear is the more challenging work. It takes awareness and intention to overcome it. 

If you think that you are too young, too old, too early or too late to start taking care of your personal finances, you are wrong.

Now is a perfect time. 

Our culture teaches us that making significant changes takes a long time and is difficult to do. 

This is simply NOT true.

Change happens in an instant. It is not a process - it is something you do in an instant by simply making a decision

— Tony Robbins

My coaching provides a unique, holistic approach toward investing. I will help you to get clear on how, what and why you like to start investing.

Delivering exactly what you need to start your investing journey with finance knowledge, encouragement and an objective view of your current financial situation.

As you slowly feel more confident, gain financial literacy and feel less intimidated, you are able to appreciate more financial concepts and fundamentals, assess your own risk profile and develop your very own investment strategies that actually fit your own situation and financial goals.  

If you grew up in a scarcity mindset family, the mention of money is taboo and money struggles were common, it’s time to change and break the generational cycle. 

It’s time for you to overcome the fears, the resentment and any past scars from money and investing. 

Let’s shift your money mindset and cross over to a space where you can start living with abundance and investing for your future with confidence.

There is nothing to lose but what you’ll gain is a clearer vision of what’s possible with simple financial literacy and a positive mindset.

It's almost impossible for me to tell you EXACTLY what to do without knowing a LOT more about you and your investment plan.

It also usually requires an “in person conversation” to work out the EXACT STRATEGY you’ll need that work for you and your situation.

That's why I want to offer you a no-cost-30 minute Consultation Call with me who'll be able to help you do just that. Click on the button below and let’s have a discussion about your plan.