Hear Anne’s story

When she was at the crossroads in life wondering which path to take, Anne felt that she needed more guidance on how to invest her money. What she didn’t expect from her finance coaching sessions was that she was reminded that she can dream again!

After being guided through “difficult and deep” questions about what is important to her in life, Anne was able to make a radical change. She was also assured by her financial situation to make the decision.

Today, Anne is pursuing her passion in Sound Therapy and helping people to do inner healing through sound and music.

Awesome Anne, way to go!

Hear Phyllis’ story

A stay-home mum can double up as the family’s CFO with the right knowledge and mindset. Even though her husband works in the finance industry, she earned his full trust and confidence to manage the family finances.

She was pleasantly surprised that her goal of bringing her sister on a funded trip (from her passive income) will come true so quickly after implementing what she learnt during the coaching. In fact, she even got to bring her mum along on the trip!

When you commit to change your financial future, take on new money mindsets and make different decisions, you realise that dreams can come true…fast!

Great job, Phyllis! You deserve to be proud of yourself!

Hear Tina’s story

When life throws you lemons, figure a way out to make lemonade! After her divorce, she felt overwhelmed and vulnerable. She knew she needed to change and proactively seek professional help, and that’s how we met.

After a few sessions of finance coaching, she was able to understand her financial situation and money mindset much better and that gave her a peace of mind. In her own words, having that peace of mind is priceless!

Today, Tina has started to embrace her talents and creative skills and is able to make an income and gain financial independence again.

Well done Tina!

Hear Cha’s story

Going through the Money Savvy Parents Digital Course brought some unexpected bonuses for Cha. Despite being a hands-on parent, she realised that there’s much to learn about teaching this sensitive topic to her children.

She not only unearth conversations that led her to understanding more about her children’s inner thoughts, the course also helped her to discover her own money mindset and limiting beliefs!

She has picked up useful concepts from the course and realised that for children to learn about money, they need to have some autonomy over how to spend. Instead of passing on what she had been taught as a child, she can now better empower her children to be good stewards of money.

Thank you Cha! Glad that you found the course enlightening!

Hear Iris’ story

She tried her best to invest for her future. She worked hard for her career and outsourced all her hard earned money to bankers and insurance agents.

Now that she took time to take a closer look, she realised that she had no idea what she had bought into all those years and her portfolio is not serving her needs.

She described the coaching program as an eye-opener, which enabled her to have a good overview of what she has now, and what changes she needs to make, in order to create a successful retirement!

Awesome work done, Iris!

Hear Selina’s story

She knew she wanted to invest but she didn’t know how. She had procrastinated for years. She thought that she needed to spend a lot of time and effort to learn how to invest.

After my 3-month coaching program, she realised that investing could be very simple. She took action and put her money to work and now enjoys receiving passive income from her investments. She said her yearly passive income is “almost like the annual salary of a young, fresh graduate!”

Well done Selina!

Hear Joan’s story

“Fear of losing your hard-earned money” is one of the most common obstacles holding people back from investing. If you had lost money in the stock market, or know someone close who did, this fear could be lurking in your mind. If that applies to you or you think that investing is only for people “smarter than you”, check out what Joan has to say. She went from fearful to confident and even “sacked” her robo-advisor to took back control over her funds.

Great job Joan!